Total State budget revenue reaches nearly VND 5,000 billion in October
(BNP) - In October 2023, the province’s total State budget revenue was estimated at VND 4,930 billion with an increase of 226.7% compared to the previous month. Of which, domestic revenue was estimated at VND 4,280 billion; revenue from customs was estimated at VND 650 billion.
Total State budget revenue reaches nearly VND 4,930 billion (in October Source: Internet)
In October 2023, total local budget expenditure was estimated at VND 1,382 billion; among which, investment expenditure development was estimated at VND 470 billion, frequent expenditure was estimated at VND 912 billion.
For 10 months, total State budget revenue was estimated at VND 25,135 billion, equaling to 79.5% of the yearly estimate. Total local budget expenditure was estimated at VND 11,707 billion, equaling to 57.6% of the yearly estimate.