Create jobs for more than 20,000 employees

08/10/2018 09:47

(BNP) - Since the beginning of the year, the province has created new jobs for 20,800 employees, seeing an increase of 1.4% over the same period last year.

The number of employees of the Industry – Construction sector is increasing

Vocational training has been step by step improved in terms of quality and associated with market requirements, minimizing the costs of training and retraining of enterprises. In the first 9 months, vocational training institutions in the province have recruited 15,850 students, of which most of them are from rural areas, accounting for 85.8%.

By September, the whole province had 666.5 thousand employees working in economic sectors, rising by 1.1% year-on-year. In particular, the industrial and construction sector has 339.8 thousand employees, up 4.8%; the service sector owns 202.7 thousand employees, increasing by 3.3%; meanwhile, the number of employees in agriculture, forestry and fishery continued to decline.