Tu Son city organizes English Speaking Contest and English Debate for students of Primary and Secondary Schools in 2025
(BNP) - On March 14, the Department of Education and Training of Tu Son city organized the English Speaking Contest for Primary School Students and the English Debate for Secondary School Students in 2025.
Secretary of Tu Son City Party Committee Luu Dinh Thuc (3rd from left) and city leaders present flowers to congratulate the contest.
Attending the contest were representatives of the Department of Education and Training, leaders of Tu Son city, along with many officials, teachers, students and people in the city.
Held annually, the contest is a chance for students in Tu Son city to demonstrate their English abilities and knowledge, develop their language skills, listening and speaking skills. At the same time, it creates opportunities for Primary and Secondary Schools in the city to exchange experiences, teaching and learning methods, especially listening and speaking skills, thus contributing to improving the quality of teaching and learning English. Through the contest, the Organizing Committee selected outstanding candidates to participate in the Provincial Contest.
This year’s contest featured the participation of 60 contestants selected through the competition round from Primary and Secondary Schools in the city. At the Primary level, contestants introduced themselves, their families and their schools in the form of a video clip; drew lots and presented according to the topic; answered questions from the judges about the topic; the total presentation time was no more than 09 minutes.
For the Secondary level, candidates took part in 3 rounds: introducing themselves, their family, and their school via a video clip, speaking on a specified topic, and answering questions from the judges related to the chosen topic; the maximum presentation time was 12 minutes.
As planned, the contest took place over 2 days, March 14 and March 15, 2025. At the end of the contest, the Organizing Committee awarded First, Second, Third, Encouragement and Consolation prizes to outstanding contestants.