More than 4,900 poor households, policy beneficiaries receive preferential loans

12/04/2021 09:00

(BNP) - In the first quarter of 2021, the Provincial Social Policy Bank disbursed VND 181 billion in concessional loans to more than 4,900 turns of poor households, near-poor households, newly escaped poor households and other policy beneficiaries.

Illustrative photo.

Loan sales mainly focused on a number of programs such as clean water and environmental sanitation of VND 65 billion, job creation of VND 65 billion, social housing under Decree 100/2015/ND-CP of VND more than 23 billion, etc.

In the first 3 months of the year, total debt collection reached VND 136 billion, among which, capital recovery for clean water and environmental sanitation was VND 50 billion; poor and near-poor households was VND 50 billion; job creation was VND 14 billion, start-up was VND 9 billion…