Provincial Museum organizes many activities

02/07/2019 21:29

(BNP) - In the first 6 months of 2019, the Provincial Museum organized many activities to display on the occasion of festivals and great memories of the country and the province, thereby, attracting many visitors to visit, study and research the history and culture in the province.

Visitors visit and learn the thematic exhibition "Truong Son - Legendary path".

In particular, the thematic exhibition "Truong Son - Legendary path" has more than 500 precious documents and artifacts and memorabilia about Truong Son trail - Ho Chi Minh Trail divided by topics including Secret Road  “Go without a sign, cook without smoke, speak without sound "; The path of unification; Bac Ninh with Truong Son trail by fire; images of gratitude activities for Truong Son soldiers, thereby, educating patriotic traditions, national pride, training willpower, improving revolutionary morality of all strata people, especially the younger generation.

The thematic exhibition "Bac Ninh Quan Ho Folk songs - from origin to contemporary" divided into 3 main topics including Bắc Ninh - quê hương của Thủy tổ Quan họ (Bac Ninh - the home of Thuy To Quan Ho), Không Gian Văn Hóa Quan Họ (Quan họ Culture Space), Preserving and promoting the value of Bac Ninh Quan Ho folk songs with nearly 500 images, documents and artifacts. In particular, the highlight is the achievements after 10 years Quan Ho folk songs recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity.

Besides, the Provincial Museum also collaborated with units to collect 122 documents, artifacts and 120 images on all fields as well as coordinated with the University of Social Sciences and Humanities to organize excavation and collect 33 artifacts in Luy Lau ancient citadel.

In the first 6 months this year, the Provincial Museum welcomed about 11,002 visitors in and outside the province to visit and study.

In the coming time, the Provincial Museum will continue to coordinate with other agencies and units in the province in order to organize propaganda campaigns and advertise Kinh Bac’s land and people; actively survey and collect artifacts and antiques in revolutionary history periods; well-perform the inventory as well as strengthen facilities and equipment to meet the needs of the people and visitors.