National Climate Change Adaptation Plan for 2021-2030 period, with vision to 2050

20/11/2024 14:10

(BNP) - Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has just signed Decision No. 1422/QD-TTg dated November 19, 2024 on promulgating the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the 2021-2030 period, with a vision to 2050.

Illustrative photo.

The plan sets specific goals to enhance the resilience and adaptive capacity of natural, economic and social systems, ensure sustainable livelihoods; enhance capacity and awareness to adjust to climate change; reduce disaster risks, minimize damage caused by natural disasters and increased extreme climate, contributing to minimizing losses and damage caused by climate change; improve institutions, promote potential and resources to effectively adapt to climate change and promote the integration of climate change adaptation into strategies and planning.

To achieve the set goals, the Decision also clearly states 3 groups of tasks and solutions for implementation, including: improving the resilience and adaptive capacity of natural, economic and social systems, ensuring sustainable livelihoods through investment in climate change adaptation activities to effectively use and prevent resource depletion and degradation; developing smart agriculture, adapting to climate change; protecting and developing forests and ecosystems; developing infrastructure systems; strengthening the health and healthcare systems; ensuring social security and gender equality.

Mitigating natural disaster risks, reduce damage caused by natural disasters and increasing extreme weather conditions, contributing to minimizing losses and damage caused by climate change; taking solutions to enhance forecasting and early warning capacity for natural disasters and extreme weather and climate conditions; improving climate risk assessment and management; implementing solutions to mitigate natural disaster risks, minimize losses and damage caused by short-term, medium-term and long-term impacts of climate change, and be ready to respond to increasing natural disasters and extreme weather conditions.

Improving institutions and promoting potentials and resources to effectively adapt to climate change; strengthening state management of climate change, improve institutions and policies and promote the integration of climate change adaptation into strategies and planning; boosting mutually beneficial climate change adaptation activities, raise awareness and community participation in climate change adaptation activities through communication, training, enhance scientific research and technology development, mobilize financial resources, investment and international cooperation activities to respond to climate change.

Period up 2030: Develop and perfect institutions, policies and laws on climate change adaptation; integrate climate change response into strategies and planning; deploy and replicate intercropping agricultural models that adapt to climate change; arrange appropriate crop and crop structures; develop and replicate crop and livestock varieties, cultivation, livestock and aquaculture models that are adaptable to climate change and saltwater intrusion.

Vision to 2050: From 2030 to 2050, continue to strengthen the capacity of people, technical infrastructure and natural systems to adapt to climate change to protect and improve the quality of life, ensure food security, energy security, water security, gender equality, social security, public health, protect natural resources, develop the country sustainably in the context of climate change and safety from natural disasters.

The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) is assigned to take the lead in supervising and monitoring implementation of the NAP, and to coordinate with the National Climate Change Committee, concerned ministries and branches, localities, and all other stakeholders – in particular private sector actors – on implementation and reporting. Financial resources for implementation shall be mobilized through different channels, including the state budget (central and local budgets), international funding, the private sector, and community contributions.

By P.H