To arrive in Kinh Bac to enjoy singing in love of Quan ho folk songs
(BNP) - With the theme of "To meet up at the autumn festival", the Quan ho boat performance in November was held on the full moon day of September in Dinh Dau Lunar year. In the autumn surrounding, visitors were immersed in the cultural and artistic space of Kinh Bac region.

Provincial leaders encouraged the artists in the program.
Being a monthly program, the theme of Quan ho singing on the boat in November "To meet up at the autumn festival" was the title of an ancient song that its lyrics are written by Chinese Vietnamese and composed for nearly half a century passed from generation to generation. It is simple to understand and define that, "Phùng quan tế hội" is a reunion, meeting for the chorus and the singing of the extremely generous.

The antiphonal singing of the ancient Quan họ between artisans of Bo Son and Nem Doai villages (Bac Ninh city)
During the performance, the visitors can feel the beauty and meaning of each Quan ho lyrics, which are not only very profound, close to the people but also simple, unique. The language of Quan ho has attracted many quintessences of folk-language art, poetry and literature and so on to create their own nuance, the value of the Quan ho folk songs.
As usual, the program was opened with the performance of traditional musical instruments concert and the antiphonal singing of the ancient Quan ho between artisans of Bo Son and Nem Doai villages (Bac Ninh city), leading the visitors and local residents to be immersed in the both traditional and modern atmosphere of Quan ho folk songs.

Provincial leaders gave flowers on the launch of Kinh Bac Women's Volleyball Team.
The scenes of male singers (liền anh) and female singers (liền chị) dressing Quan ho traditional costume highlighted the beauty, the differences with other types of national art. It is the indispensable traditional cultural activities in the ancient and present festivals of Bac Ninh - Kinh Bac region. Seven Quan ho songs shown in the program were seven different lyrics absolutely attracted the love of the audiences. Each song was introduced with sweet, deep opening words made visitors rejoiced, even confused.

One kid sang in the program
In the intimate and close space, the provincial leaders shared their thoughts and feelings in the moment witnessing Quan ho honored by UNESCO as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in Egypt in 2009.

Quan ho singing for farewell and waiting for a next program
Particularly, this program also consisted of the launch of the Kinh Bac women's volleyball team and firework art, which are such a very beautiful show that people were eager to see and unwilling to leave.