Giang communal house

16/01/2023 09:26

(BNP) - Giang communal house, Thua town, Luong Tai district was built a long time ago, in the center of the village. In the past, the communal house was originally a large, beautiful and massive building, where worshiped the famous lord of the Ly dynasty - To Hien Thanh Dai Vuong.

Giang communal house

Through time and war, the communal house was destroyed. Peace was restored, the local people restored the communal house to its present state.

The gate of the communal house was built in the style of four pillars.

Communal house in Giang village has an architecture of Chinese “Dinh” letter, including 05-compartment Dai Dinh (Great Communal Hall) and 02-compartment Hau Cung (Emperor’s Harem). Currently, on the roof of the communal house, the time of building the roof of the communal house in 1968 is recorded.

Dai Dinh has 3 compartments, 2 lean-tons.

The main altar of the Dai Dinh building.

Horizontal lacquered board (engraved with Chinese characters) in the Nguyen Dynasty.

Hau Cung has 2 compartments.

The throne of the Le Dynasty.

In front of the entire architectural work of the communal house is a courtyard paved with bricks, followed by the gate of the communal house built in the style of four pillars. Next to it is the Giang village pagoda, an architectural work of worshiping Buddha of the people in the village.

The Ordination, dated 1880.

The communal house in Giang village worships the village's god, To Hien Thanh Dai Vuong. He was a mandarin under two dynasties of King Ly, Ly Anh Ton and Ly Cao Tong, who had great merit in eliminating corruption, bribery, building and protecting the country.

Stone stele "Hau Hien bi ky", dated 1738, 1824.

Set of eight treasures.

Pink horse at the Communal house.

The communal house was ranked as a provincial historical relic by the Provincial People's Committee in Decision No. 1489/QD-UBND dated October 5, 2009.

By P.H