Nearly 200 enterprises of Tu Son town take part in tax dialogue

17/07/2018 10:51

(BNP) – In the morning of July 16th, Tax Sub-Department of Tu Son town held a dialogue conference with nearly 200 small and medium enterprises in the town.

The tax dialogue conference at Tu Son town.

At the conference, representatives from professional departments of Provincial Tax Department, Tax Sub-Department of Tu Son town directly answered most questions and problems of enterprises in processing implementation of tax policies related to use receipts; professional declaration and corporate income tax, personal income tax; tax incentives, exemption and reduction; how to apply electronic bill ...

Dialogue with enterprises is an annual activity of the Tax Sub-department of Tu Son Town with an aim to directly removing difficulties and obstacles of enterprises, helping enterprises in production and businesses as well as strengthening relationship between tax authorities and taxpayers. In the first 6 months this year, the Tax Sub-Department of Tu Son town collected VND 615.5 billion, reaching 67% of the ordinance estimates, of which, taxes and fees collection reached VND 114.3 billion, land use fees reached VND 501.2 billion.