Government Committee for Religious Affairs asks to stop gathered religious activities

01/04/2020 09:44

(BNP) - The Government Committee for Religious Affairs issued official letter No. 233/TGCP-VP to religious organizations on promoting participation in Covid-19 control.

Do not gather in large crowds to pray and perform mass at some religious and belief establishments.

The Official Letter specify stated that, over time, Church’s leaders of all religions always positive response and accompany with authorities at all levels in the fight against Covid-19 epidemic. However, self-awareness of a part of masses and believers is not high, still exists the phenomenon of large numbers of people coming to pray and perform at some religious and belief establishments, which pose a high risk of infection and difficulties for Covid-19 control.

In response to urgent requirements of the epidemic prevention and control, the Government Committee for Religious Affairs requested leaders of religious organizations to promote positive, useful and thorough actions to take measures for Covid-19 control. Accordingly, leaders focus on guiding the affiliated religious organizations, dignitaries and religious followers and worship facilities to stop all activities of religious gatherings. In case of compulsory or solemn ceremony, no more than 20 people may be gathered, to keep a distance of 2m between people; use masks and other necessary protective equipment to prevent the epidemic as well as use information technology facilities for remote religious activities

In addition, dignitaries and religious followers continue to implement recommendations of the authorities in the fight against Covid-19 epidemic; regularly wash their hands, properly wear masks and limit contact with people around…

On the other hand, leaders of religious organizations promptly review and provide information of dignitaries and religious followers who are at high risk of infection, have symptoms of cough, fever, shortness of breath ... to health and local authorities to organize monitoring, detection and early treatment. 

Dignitaries enhance role and responsibility of religious followers in the fight against Covid-19 epidemic; mobilize the resources of religious organizations to support funding and necessities, medical equipment, face masks and participate in supporting communities and people in Covid-19 control.