Postponing the time for organizing the first round of the National Volleyball Championship

26/03/2020 08:27

(BNP) - Vietnam Volleyball Federation has just announced No. 01 / TB-LDĐ-2020 about adjusting the time for organizing the first round of the National Volleyball Championship in 2020.

Postponing the time for organizing the first round of the National Volleyball Championship in 2020.

According to the plan, the first round of the National Volleyball Championship in 2020 will take place from March 25 - 28 in Bac Ninh and Ha Tinh.

Due to the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic with increasingly complicated developments, the Vietnam Volleyball Federation announces the suspension of the first round of the National Championship Volleyball Championship 2020 until the end of April 2020 to ensure epidemic prevention.

After April, depending on the performance of the disease situation, the Vietnam Volleyball Federation will have a specific notice on the time and venue of the tournament.