Plan to organize 3rd Congress of Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations, term 2025-2030

02/01/2025 07:30

(BNP) – The Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations issued a plan to organize the 3rd Congress for the 2025-2030 term.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Ngo Tan Phuong congratulates members of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations, term 2022 - 2025.

The 3rd Congress of the Provincial Union of Science and Technology Associations, term 2025-2030 is an important political event in the entire system to summarize and evaluate the activities of the Provincial Union of Associations in the 2016-2021 term, lasting until 2025. It closely follows the socio-economic development orientation of the province in the 2025-2030 period and the actual situation of the Union to build directions, tasks and solutions for the 2025-2030 term.

According to the Plan, the Congress is expected to take place in 02 days (to be completed before August 31, 2025) at Kinh Bac Cultural Center with the participation of 60 official delegates representing cadres, members, and intellectuals.

The Congress aims to raise awareness, strengthen solidarity, awaken the potential, aspirations, creativity and intelligence of cadres, members and intellectuals in developing science and technology; continue to strongly innovate in content, methods of operation, organizational models, build a strong Union, thus contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 21st Bac Ninh Provincial Party Congress, term 2025-2030.