The 50th anniversary of Bac Ninh Quan họ folk songs Theater

29/09/2019 08:14
(BNP) - On September 27, at Diem village, Hoa Long commune, Bac Ninh city, Bac Ninh Quan họ folk songs Theater celebrated the 50th founding anniversary and received the Emulation Flag of the Provincial People's Committee.

The provincial leaders gave flowers to congratulate the Bac Ninh Quan họ folk songs Theater.

The Quan ho singing group (the forerunner of Bac Ninh Quan Ho folk songs Theater) was founded 50 years ago with only 7 artists, actors, and musicians. Gone through the ups and downs of history, on September 30, 2009, the "Bac Ninh Quan ho folk songs" was officially recognized as the representative intangible cultural heritage of humanity by UNESCO. In order to carry out the task of preserving, introducing and promoting Quan ho folk songs, on September 30, 2011, the Provincial People's Committee decided to establish Bac Ninh Quan Ho folk songs Theater on the basis of upgrading Bac Ninh Quan họ folk songs Group.

Over the past 50 years, officials, actors, musicians have always tried to overcome all difficulties and obstacles, strived to successfully complete the assigned political tasks, making an important contribution in preserving and promoting the values ​​of the Bac Ninh Quan họ folk songs. The theater has had a variety of high-quality art shows serving many political and cultural events of the province, the nation, and the world such as: "Go to Quan ho land", Bac Ninh Festival; singing Quan Ho folk songs on boats; participating in welcoming many central delegations to visit and work in Bac Ninh province,...

Moreover, the theater also fosters the promotion of Bac Ninh Quan họ folk songs to other localities and some European and Asian countries, bringing Quan Ho folk songs widespread in the community.

On behalf of the provincial leaders, at the anniversary, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Van Phong acknowledged and praised the achievements of the Bac Ninh Quan họ folk songs Theater in dedicating to traditional art, doing well the role of "ambassador", bringing Quan to the audience during the past 50 years.

In order to contribute to the better implementation of the commitment with UNESCO in conserving and promoting the cultural heritage value of Quan họ folk songs, the Vice Chairman Nguyen Van Phong proposed Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Bac Ninh Quan họ folk  songs Theater to continue to improve the quality of artistic activities, performances, to actively coordinate with functional agencies to enhance the work of teaching Quan họ in the community, schools, agencies and units in the province, in the country and abroad.

On this occasion, Provincial Party Secretary Nguyen Nhan Chien awarded the title of Meritorious Artist to Artist Minh Thuy; The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee awarded the Emulation Flag of the Provincial People's Committee to the Quan Ho folk songs Theater.