Visiting Cao Lo Vuong Temple
(BNP) - Cao Lo Vuong temple is located on mudflats along Duong River in Dai Trung village (its name is Lo village, Cao Duc commune, Gia Binh district). This is a place to mark, commemorate and honor the military genius of the dawn of our nation's history, who helped An Duong Vuong to create the "magic crossbow" and built Co Loa citadel to defeat Trieu Da army and protect Au Lac State.
Cao Lo Vuong Temple.
Legend says Cao Lo, a Vietnamese weaponry engineer and minister under King An Duong Vuong from 257 to 207 BC, was born in Cao Duc Commune in Bac Ninh Province. He is credited with building the Co Loa ramparts and helping the king to build a crossbow, which he christened "Saintly Crossbow of the Supernaturally Golden Claw," to fight invaders.
To pay tribute to the talented general, the local people constructed the Cao Lo Vuong Temple and Tomb in Cao Duc Commune in Bac Ninh Province.
The temple has been restored a couple of times, but its original structure and designs have been preserved.
As customary, every year on the 10th day of March (lunar calendar), the people of 8 villages in Dai Than Area as Dai Trung, Dong Trung, Binh Than, Tieu Than, Van Than, Phu Than, Kenh Pho and My Luc which worship the Cao Lo Vuong shall hold the festival. Right from the morning of 9th day, Cao Lo Vuong temple has opened for representatives of villages to do the wash and bathe ceremony (clean the altar and change the new cloth for statue of mandarin)
With unique values of culture, history, architecture, Cao Lo Vuong Temple was ranked by the People's Committee of Bac Ninh Province (former Ha Bac Province) from 1988. Until 2005, the Temple was ranked as a National Historic Site by the Ministry of Culture and Information (old).