Que Vo town achieves and exceeds many targets in 2024 plan

20/12/2024 08:06

(BNP) - In 2024, Que Vo town has 5/20 targets exceeding the plan; 12/20 targets achieved compared to the plan.

Illustrative photo.

Among which, the exceeded targets include:

(1) The value of agricultural, forestry and fishery products was estimated at VND 2,402 billion (the plan was VND 1,440 billion).

(2) Construction sector product value reached VND 2,632 billion (plan was VND 1,906 billion).

(3) State budget revenue in the area reached VND 934,033 billion. Local budget expenditure reached VND 2,058,830 billion.

(4) Poverty rate after 2024 survey (according to the province's poverty standard): 0.69%.

(5) The number of hospital beds per 10,000 people reached 16; The number of doctors was 14 doctors per 10,000 people; The rate of communes meeting national criteria on commune health maintained at 100%. The rate of children under 5 years old with underweight malnutrition decreased to less than 7%; the rate of stunted children decreased to less than 13.7%. The rate of population participating in health insurance (given health insurance card codes) reached 98%; The rate of people with health management records reached 99%. The rate of people with electronic medical examination and treatment books reached 99%.

* Achievement targets:

(1) Each commune built 1-2 more criteria for advanced new rural areas and model new rural areas; The town built Mo Dao, Chau Phong, and Yen Gia communes meeting advanced new rural standards, associated with the program of building communes into wards and the urban development program, 7 villages met model new rural criteria.

(2) Urbanization rate reached 62%.

(3) The rate of trained workers reached 79%.

(4) New jobs were created for 3,438 workers.

(5) The rate of non-agricultural labor reached 80.9%.

(6) Maintain the rate of cultural families at over 80%; the rate of cultural residential areas at over 80%; the rate of cultural agencies, units and enterprises at 80%; the rate of funerals using electric cremation and cremation at over 66%.

(7) The proportion of urban population using tap water and rural population using tap water and clean water reached 80%.

(8) Maintain over 80% of the grassroots government and State agencies in the town strong, with no weak or incompetent units. Que Vo town is recognized as a grade I district-level administrative unit.

(9) Timely receipt and resolution of newly arising petitions within authority reached 91.4%.

(10) The rate of investigation and discovery of criminal cases reached over 70%; very serious and especially serious cases reached 100%.

(11) The town's mass education and key education are ranked high in the province. 100% of children in kindergarten are enrolled in boarding school; 100% of primary school students studied 02 sessions/day; 100% of high school students studied foreign languages. The rate of 73% of public kindergartens and high schools met national standards level 2.

(12) 50% of villages and neighborhoods have a domestic wastewater collection system that meets regulations; 100% of domestic solid waste is collected and treated; over 90% of solid waste, regular industrial waste, hazardous waste, and medical waste are collected and treated.

In addition, Que Vo town has 02 targets to strive to complete the plan by the end of 2024; 01 target is waiting for evaluation from superiors.