Retired officers meeting

30/03/2018 09:11

(BNP) - In the morning of March 25th 2018, Retired officers’ Liaison Board of Provincial People’s Council and Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting on the occasion of Mau Tuat 2018 Spring.

Provincial leaders of the Provincial People’s Council and the Provincial People’s Committee presented flower to Retired officers’ Liaison Board.

Attending the meeting were Mr. Nguyen Van Phong, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Mrs. Tran Thi Hang, Deputy Head of the Province’s National Assembly Delegation; leaders of Office of Provincial People’s Council, Office of Provincial People’s Committee; Office of the Province’s National Assembly Delegation and retired officials.

On behalf of the provincial leaders, Vice Chairman Nguyen Van Phong sent his greetings to retired officials and their family. He also briefed on outstanding achievements of the province’s socio-economic development in 2017 and targets and tasks in 2018.

Besides, he also hoped that in the future retired officers will continues following up political and socio-economic situation of the province, thus contributing their opinions to build Bac Ninh more civilized and beautiful.