Industrial production index increases by 41.3% in August

10/09/2018 16:07

(BNP) – According to the report from the Statistic Bureau, the industrial production index (IIP) increased by 41.3% month-on-month and 26.9% year-on-year.

IIP in the first 8 months of the processing industry increases by 20.3%

Of which, the manufacturing and processing industry saw an increase of 41.6% in comparison with the previous month and 27.1% year-on-year; manufacturing and distribution of electricity, gas, hot water, steam, and air conditioners also climbed by 3.9% and by 12.1%; meanwhile water supply and wastewater management, treatment rose by 0.2% and 3.4% respectively.

In the manufacturing and processing industry, 16 out of 20 sectors have increased over the same month last year. In particular, several sectors have a double-digit increase such as the production of beverages; paper products; print, copy the record; medicines, pharmaco-chemicals; products from prefabricated metal and other means of transportation.

Generally, since the beginning of the year, IIP has increased by 20.2% over the same period last year. Of which, the processing industry, the electricity production, and distribution sector, water supply increased by 20.3%, 16.4%, 0.5% in turn.