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Industrial production increased by 13% over the same period

05/12/2024 17:14 Số lượt xem: 18

In November, the industrial production index in the province increased by 5.6% over the previous month, up 13% over the same period in 2023. Overall, from the beginning of the year until now, the province's industrial production index (IIP) increased by 5.9% over the same period in 2023.

Electronic products of enterprises in the province have a fairly high growth rate.

Of which, the manufacturing industry increased by 5.8%; the electricity, gas, hot water, steam and air conditioning production and distribution industry increased by 11.5%; the water supply, waste and wastewater management and treatment industry increased by 24.6%. In the manufacturing industry, the electronics, computers and optical products manufacturing industry is the province's key industry, increasing by 5.7%. Some industrial products with increased production volume compared to the previous month are: smartphones increased by 18%; pharmaceuticals containing vitamins increased by 8.7%; electronic components increased by 8.5%...

Since the beginning of the year, some key products have maintained increased production volume compared to the same period in 2023 such as: Iron and steel used in construction increased by 90.6%; Pharmaceuticals containing vitamins increased by 43.6%; Printers-copiers, printing with inkjet technology with connection increased by 25.3%...

Translated by Nguyen Mai Huong