Infrastructure of Industrial Parks, Industrial Clusters

26/08/2020 13:40

Industrial Park (IP): There are 16 integrated IPs approved by Prime Minister with a total area of 6,397.68 ha. Among which, 11 out of 16 IPs have been issued investment certificates and establishment decisions with a total planned area of 4,523.60 hectares, industrial land for lease is 3,156.17 hectares. By the end of 2019, there were 10 out of 16 IPs in operation with the planned land area of 3,696.94 ha, the industrial land area for lease was 2,609.40 ha, 1,747.77 ha of industrial land for lease, the occupancy rate on the planned land area reached 66.79%.

Industrial clusters (ICs): Provincial People's Committee approves adjustment and supplementation of planning of ICs in Bac Ninh province to 2020, with a vision to 2030 in Decision No. 396/QD-UBND dated October 31, 2013 and Decision No. 21/QD-UBND dated January 15, 2019. Accordingly, 24 ICs have been established and operated, 5 ICs are in the process of establishment.

Currently, the province has been investing in building and developing infrastructure for a number of projects such as Yen Phong II-C IP and VSIP Bac Ninh II; Cach Bi and Tan Chi 2 ICs support, Yen Trung - Dong Tien ICs, Thuy Hoa - Yen Trung ICs, etc. as well as completing infrastructure works of traffic, electricity, water, information technology ... in order to attract investment from businesses.