Phoenix wing betel quid - Symbol for heart full of love and gratitude of Bac Ninh people

18/08/2021 07:38
We used to hear a lot of stories about Ms. Tấm when we were kids. After many years of struggling reincarnations, she finally made a love affair with the King thanks to "Dao vàng bổ miếng cau hoa/Bày lên đĩa sứ, mang ra thết chàng" (Tam invited the King betel and areca). That's why Ms. Tam appears as a Quan Ho female singer (chị Hai Quan Họ) and carried a quid of betel with "Phoenix wings" (trầu têm cánh phượng). “The betel is considered as a symbol of the love between male and female singers (liền anh liền chị) in the ancient land of Kinh Bac.

 A quid of betel with "Phoenix wings" (trầu têm cánh phượng).

Not only be enamored by the lovely folk song " trên bến dưới thuyền " (at the pier and on the boat) on spring days in Quan Ho's hometown, we even feel more nostalgic when Quan Ho male singer gently invites Quan Ho female singer to chew betel nut:

- On the first days of the spring, we would like to invite you Quan Ho Troupe this betel.

“Trầu này trong tráp mở ra

Giấu thầy, giấu mẹ đem ra mời người”

(Here take betel from the tray

To give it to you discreetly without parent’s knowing)

Please you Quan Ho Troupe chew betel nuts, and then let us brothers learn a few song styles with you.

Only when Quan ho male and female singers appear to have found "hitting it off together", then they exchange betel and start singing love song together in the fesstival. It must be love that makes them bind  together, and  blend the betel to form a new spicy and fragrant one, the hot new yeast in that lovely red color: “Có trầu mà chẳng có cau. Làm sao cho đỏ môi nhau thì làm!” (Make each other’s lips red even if the betel is made without areca).

However, it is quite popular that Quan Ho female singers refuse the "cajolement" by Quan Ho male singers. Then the female singers claim "Chị em chúng em còn cả sữa non măng, ăn giầu đã vậy, biết nói năng thế nào" (There are still the young ones among us, so it is difficult for us to say after such betel), despite the fact that male singers may say many or few words. That is the charming, subtle, but profound nuance in the female singers’ everyday conversation and conduct in Quan Ho's land.

When the two sides get familiar with each other, the betel may be a mean for them to confess their feelings:

“Từ ngày ăn phải miếng trầu,

Miệng ăn môi đỏ, dạ sầu đăm chiêu”.

(Since chewing the betel from you,

The lips become red, and also the nostalgia comes)

Only "ba đồng một mớ trầu cay" (little money can buy lots of betel)  but the couples may fall in love thanks to “miếng trầu nên dâu nhà người” (betel may help to make a couple). 

Many people nowadays may not chew betel quid anymore to keep their teeth white or just because of its bitter flavor, but in the Kinh Bac - Bac Ninh custom, betel quid is offered at every wedding and death anniversaries, etc. And then, noone will refuse it regardless of eating or not:

“Cho anh một miếng trầu vàng

Mai sau anh trả lại nàng đôi mâm”

(Please give me a betel quid

I will offer you two sets of meals in return).

By A.V