To create new jobs for 7,500 employees

11/04/2018 10:37

(BNP) - In the first quarter of 2018, 7,500 new jobs were created for employees in the whole province,reaching 27.8% of the yearly plan, of which 209 laborers were exported.

An illustration

In order to achieve those achievements, enterprises in the province have taken the initiative in coordination with relevant departments to organize the direct recruitment teams in the Northern provinces and cities. In the province, employment service centers have also opened many consultancy recruitment programs for businesses. Furthermore, vocational training has been step by step improved in terms of quality and quantity requirements, and reduced costs for training and retraining activities of enterprises.

In the first quarter, vocational training institutions in the province recruited 4,251 students, of which 4,029 students were trained at the primary level. The whole province, by the end of March, had 665,200 laborers working in economic sectors, of which 329,400 employees have worked in the industry-construction sector; and 210,900 employees have been in the service sector. The rate of employees working in the industry-construction and service sectors increased by 1.1% and 4.1% in turn year-on-year, meanwhilethe same one inagriculture, forestry and fishery sectorwere continuously declined.