Summary of 5 year term: 19 targets completes

25/09/2020 10:47

(BNP) - After 05 years of implementing the Resolution of the 19th Provincial Communist Party Congress, term 2015 - 2020, Bac Ninh province has completed and exceeded 19 out of 26 targets set out in the Resolution.

  1. Export turnover is USD 36 billion, exceeding 12.5%
  2. Import turnover is USD 29 billion, exceeding 11.5%.
  3. State budget revenue is VND 26,973 billion, exceeding 9%
  4. Local budget expenditure is VND 18,703 billion, exceeding 26.9%
  5. Total social investment capital is VND 419,398 billion, exceeding 15.4%.
  6. Percentage of communes meeting new rural standards is 100%, exceeding 40%
  7. Percentage of urban unemployment drops to 1.74%, exceeding 3.5%
  8. Percentage of malnourished children under 5 years old decreases to 6.5%, exceeding 3.5%.
  9. Percentage of poor households (according to new criteria) decreases to 1.2%, exceeding 1.3%.
  10. 100% of schools are solidified and meet national standards
  11. Number of telephone and Internet subscribers reaches the Resolution's target
  12. Percentage of urban and rural population using clean water reaches the Resolution's target
  13. 100% of medical and industrial waste is basically collected and treated
  14.  Percentage of trained workers reaches 75%, exceeding 5%
  15. Job creation on average annually reaches 27,300 employees, exceeding 1.1%
  16. Coefficient of labor use reaches the Resolution's target
  17. Labor structure reaches the Resolution's target
  18. Percentage of communes meeting national criteria for commune health reaches 100%
  19. Traffic accident reduces in all 3 criteria, reaching the Resolution's target