Summary of 5 year term: 19 targets completes
(BNP) - After 05 years of implementing the Resolution of the 19th Provincial Communist Party Congress, term 2015 - 2020, Bac Ninh province has completed and exceeded 19 out of 26 targets set out in the Resolution.
- Export turnover is USD 36 billion, exceeding 12.5%
- Import turnover is USD 29 billion, exceeding 11.5%.
- State budget revenue is VND 26,973 billion, exceeding 9%
- Local budget expenditure is VND 18,703 billion, exceeding 26.9%
- Total social investment capital is VND 419,398 billion, exceeding 15.4%.
- Percentage of communes meeting new rural standards is 100%, exceeding 40%
- Percentage of urban unemployment drops to 1.74%, exceeding 3.5%
- Percentage of malnourished children under 5 years old decreases to 6.5%, exceeding 3.5%.
- Percentage of poor households (according to new criteria) decreases to 1.2%, exceeding 1.3%.
- 100% of schools are solidified and meet national standards
- Number of telephone and Internet subscribers reaches the Resolution's target
- Percentage of urban and rural population using clean water reaches the Resolution's target
- 100% of medical and industrial waste is basically collected and treated
- Percentage of trained workers reaches 75%, exceeding 5%
- Job creation on average annually reaches 27,300 employees, exceeding 1.1%
- Coefficient of labor use reaches the Resolution's target
- Labor structure reaches the Resolution's target
- Percentage of communes meeting national criteria for commune health reaches 100%
- Traffic accident reduces in all 3 criteria, reaching the Resolution's target