To pass Regulation on usage and administration of Official passports, Diplomatic passports belonging to Bac Ninh’s jurisdiction.

23/12/2016 11:03 Số lượt xem: 71

At the monthly meeting of Provincial People’s Committee in December 21st, 2016 chaired by Mr. Nguyen Tu Quynh, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee; participants agreed to pass the Regulation on usage and administration of Official passports, Diplomatic passports belonging to Bac Ninh’s jurisdiction.

It was affirmably reported at the meeting by Mr. Tran Ngoc Thuc, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs that passport remains the property of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The passports of officials must be used and administered in the way that obeys law and regulations. The passports are only used with accurate purpose, for official trips that must not harm to Vietnam’s reputation and interest.

Director Tran Ngoc Thuc reported at the routine meeting in December2016

The regulation on usage and administration of Official passports, Diplomatic passports including 3 chapters and 8 articles clearly defines the regulated, principles of usage, administration, and responsibility of related parties as well. Particularly, according to the regulation, Department of Foreign Affairs, will take direct responsibility of administrating  official passports and diplomatic passports of officials.

Passing the regulation will help to enhance administrative effectiveness of official passports and diplomatic passports in Bac Ninh as well as detect in time and strictly treat the violated cases.

Anh Thư - Thanh Tâm (dịch)
Nguồn: Trang thông tin điện tử Sở Ngoại vụ