Bac Ninh Union of Friendship Organizations deploys tasks in 2017

29/12/2016 07:56 Số lượt xem: 98

In the afternoon of December 27th 2016, Bac Ninh Union of Friendship Organizations held a meeting of deploying tasks of people-to-people relations in 2017 with the presence of Mr. Tran Ngoc Thuc, Director of Foreign Affairs, Chairman of the Union of Friendship Organizations, members of Executive Committee of Union of Friendship Organizations (2016-2021), leaders of Provincial Commission for Mass Mobilization, and Department of Home Affairs as well.

Speaking at the meeting, Mr. Tran Ngoc Thuc, Chairman of the Union of Friendship Organizations made mention of the purpose of celebration the meeting. By reviewing the outstanding achievements in 2016, he emphasized the activities of people-to-people relations achieved admirable results in various areas, contributed to the overall development of foreign affairs in Bac Ninh last year.

Mr. Tran Ngoc Thuc, Director of Department of Foreign Affairs - Chairman of the Union of Friendship Organizations spoke at the meeting

Plan of implementation the tasks of people-to-people relations in 2017 was identified that the Union of Friendship Organizations should coordinate with the relevant authorities to not only focus on development of the member associations but also strengthening solidarity, friendship with people of abroad countries, which contribute to harvest many achievements towards Anniversary of 185 years of the Bac Ninh’s establishment and 20 years of re-establishment as well as 10 years of establishment of the Union of friendship Organizations.

At the meeting, the participants unanimously passed the Regulation on the operation of the Executive Committee of the Union (2016 – 2021)./.

Nguồn: Trang thông tin điện tử Sở Ngoại vụ tỉnh Bắc Ninh