Permanent Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee (PPC) Nguyen Tien Nhuong receives and works with the delegation of Embassy of Finland

16/03/2017 10:17 Số lượt xem: 37

In the afternoon of March 14th 2017, Mr. Nguyen Tien Nhuong, Permanent Vice Chairman of PPC received and worked with Embassy of Finland on discussing technology and solutions of chemical and domestic waste treatment. Attending the meeting were representatives of Departments: Natural Resources and Environment, Health, Foreign Affairs, Finance, Construction, Science and Technology.

At the meeting, Mr. Saku Liuksia, Trade Representative of the Embassy of Finland, Director of W2EB Program thanked the provincial leaders for their warm welcome and announced that through businesses’ operation in the field of recycling into energy and biomass energy, the delegation would present experiences and leading solutions in that area to the authorities and companies of Bac Ninh.

With desiring to understand the need of waste treatment in the province, trade representatives of the Embassy introduced technologies for solid waste treatment in Finland and new financial instruments and incentive credit programs for Vietnam. Finnish companies introduced their scale and wished to be connected to the provincial enterprises operating in this that area.

Mr. Nguyen Tien Nhuong – Permanent Vice Chairman of the PPC introduced environmental field in Bac Ninh

Speaking at the meeting, Permanent Vice Chairman Nguyen Tien Nhuong was pleased to welcome the Finnish Trade Representative, businesses and experts to visit and learn about the province, highly appreciated Growth Promotion Program implemented by Finpro (W2EB).

In general introduction of outstanding achievements in socio-economic development of the province in recent years, thanks to favorable location and attractive preferential policies, Bac Ninh was one of the fast growing provinces with many leading indicators in the country, Mr. Permanent Vice Chairman said.

In term of environmental field, given the fact that  the province is moving forwards modern industrial development and adopting environmentally friendly high technologies, it is focusing on the proper treatment of the rural environment, solid, medical and water wastes in craft villages. The Permanent Vice Chairman wanted Finnish businesses to research for development that investing in waste treatment plants in the province as well as the treatment of domestic waste and sewage in craft villages.

The Permanent Vice Chairman assigned the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to collaborate with the delegation to study and take a field trip. Also, he affirmed that with the motto "Bac Ninh always accompanies the business", Bac Ninh will always facilitate Finnish enterprises to survey, connect and invest in the province./.

P.T dịch
Nguồn: Trang TTĐT Sở Ngoại vụ tỉnh Bắc Ninh